NTU Research > Publications > Selected Others


Below gives a selected list of the publications from Professor Glen McHale, Dr Mike Newton, Dr Neil Shirtcliffe and colleagues in Nottingham Trent University. Postprints of some papers are available by clicking on the links provided. Users who are registered with the ACS can click on the "Via ACS Server" links and logon to obtain a free copy of the article.

Complete list | Superhydrophobicity & Superspreading | Lichens, Plastrons & Soil | Interfacial Slip & Drag Reduction | Liquid Marbles & Electrowetting | Wetting & Spreading | Surface Acoustic Waves | Quartz Crystal Microbalances | Selected Others

Ionic Liquids and Microfluidics

R. Ge, R.W.K. Allen, L. Aldous, M.R. Bown, N.Doy, C. Hardacre, J.M. MacInnes, G. McHale and M.I. Newton, Evaluation of a microfluidic device for the electrochemical determination of halide content in ionic liquids,
Anal. Chem. 81 (4) (2009) 1628-1637. Via ACS server


R.H Morris, M. Bencsik, N. Nestlé, P. Galvosas, D. Fairhurst, A. Vangala, Y. Perrie and G. McHale,
Robust spatially resolved pressure measurements using MRI with novel buoyant-advection free preparations of stable microbubbles in polysaccharide gels,
J. Magn. Reson. 193 (2) (2008) 159-167. View postprint pdf

M. Bencsik, H. Adriaensen, S. Brewer and G. McHale,
Quantitative NMR monitoring of liquid ingress into repellent heterogeneous layered fabrics,
J. Magn. Reson. (Front cover image) 193 (1) (2008) 32-36. View postprint pdf